Concrete Dabble

Time to move on. Next up, environmental art! Typically I take a looooooong time to complete projects, and I desperately need to speed it up. To that end, I've decided to do short little research spikes instead, eventually working my way up to a big old project that incorporates what I've learned.

This was modeled and textured in ZBrush. No post processing for this one.


One more shot:

It sure is strange, working on a non-squishy subject. Through my prior research, I discovered some most excellent tools that made this a lot easier. Morph targets and the morph brush, for example. Very much like the history brush in PS, but in 3d. Really handy for bashing up a surface, then undoing the damage in a surgical, precise way. Morph targets can do tons more than just this, have a play with it!

The edges of the large crack need sharpening, I think. I reasoned that those areas, being exposed to the elements, would have been ground down a little. May have overcompensated a little there.

Other than that, not really much else to say. Refreshingly brief for once :)

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